How Do I Open My Fritzbox Set Up Page?
You may have recently purchased the new Frapidus Wi-Fi enabled Frapidus RC wireless modem and are looking for instructions on how to open the Frapidus setup page. In fact, this is probably one of the first things you are going to want to do. The problem is that if you have not purchased the Wi-Fi capable modem, you will be somewhat lost as to how to proceed. Luckily, the process is not overly complicated.
First, the internet access settings must be configured. This is usually set by clicking the Wireless button, but it can also be done with the Manual tab enabled. The internet access settings allow you to determine which devices you would like to connect to your router. Some of these options are named SSID's, while others are called CIDs. This terminology will be important as you continue further in this tutorial. If you get lost, you can always find what you need by referring to your manufacturer's documentation or online support.
Once you have finished configuring the access settings, you should click the Add Device icon to add the Wi-Fi enabled computer or laptop to your network. This will create a wireless network in your browser. From here, you should find the SSID of the device and click the Properties button. This will display a short summary of the device's basic information including the SSID, Netmask, BSSID and other relevant settings.
How Do I Open My Fritzbox Set Up Page?
Once you have all the necessary information, save all the changes and close the Properties window. Your router should now be able to detect your computer's IP address. This is what allows you to log into your computer as an authorized user and access the Wi-Fi Internet connection. If you were not able to log in before, ensure that the WEP key is enabled in the access settings.
Next, you should proceed to clicking on the Shared icon to change the SSID of the Wi-Fi networks you want to access. You will need to fill in the details of the SSID, the security type (such as WPA or Wireless security), the security type (like encryption or authentication) and other necessary settings. Save all the changes and close the Properties window. Now you should be able to enter the name of your new network.
After you have successfully configured the settings in the router, reboot the device. You should see an entry for the new network in the Windows Wireless Sensor settings. Use the left and right arrows to view the various connections available. You will find that most of these are automatic and you will just need to enter the name of the network you want to associate with your SSID.
If one of these connections fails, it usually means that you are not connected to a recognized SSID or there is another configuration setting that needs to be edited. In this case, you will need to use the arrow keys to move the mouse cursor to one of the entries, then use the right keys to select the entry you want to edit. The important thing here is to make sure you enter the right numbers. For instance, if you have entered 11, the number you should type is 11. This will configure the wireless sensor to use the network name you have entered, instead of one of the default settings.
When you have completed configuring your router, you should close all the ports except those required for Bluetooth. If you don't want to use the Bluetooth feature on your Fritzbox, you can simply skip this step. On the screen, you should see some devices that you can connect to with your computer. If you have not yet configured these devices, you should click on the extra devices icon to add them. Once you have completed adding the listed devices, you will notice that your router is set up how you want it, as described in your Fritzbox setup guide.
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